Wednesday 20 May (Aussie time)
These look like fun but I would probably get run over by the Pink Line Bus |
. Now Paysmart peoples...... Last week on a Friday I flew to Adelaide for my brothers funeral and it was premature as I found out when I got off the plane that it wouldn't be held until the following Friday. Left me in a jam work wise because I couldn't afford to fly back to Brisbane and then back to Adelaide etc.......but I have the best boss (Please remember that Andrew) who let me off the hook. I was sitting on the plane....halfway to Hawaii...reading my Itinerary I had an OMFG moment. Please see below and see if you can spot it.
Flight Details | Booking Date: 27 Feb 2015 | Itinerary Issue Date: 27 Feb 2015 |
Date | Flight Number | Departing | Arriving |
Tue 19 May 2015
Change Flight | JQ5
Airbus A330
Flight Duration: 9hr 35min | Brisbane
Tue 19 May 2015
1755 hr / 5:55 pm
Brisbane International Terminal | Honolulu
Tue 19 May 2015
0730 hr / 7:30 am
Honolulu International Airport
Thu 28 May 2015
Change Flight | JQ6
Airbus A330
Flight Duration: 9hr 45min | Honolulu
Thu 28 May 2015
1040 hr / 10:40 am
Honolulu International Airport | Brisbane
Fri 29 May 2015
1625 hr / 4:25 pm
Brisbane International Terminal
Note: Times are local times at the relevant airport.
| says I leave Australia on the Tuesday 19th May...and yes it says I leave Honolulu on Thursday 28 May in the morning arriving back at 4.25 pm as I thought. And as I told Andrew...yes I will be at work on Friday the 29th May ..refreshed and ready to take calls from our lovely customers. BUT!!!...... Look at the right hand side - I don't arrive back until FRIDAY 4.25 pm. Now I'm sitting on the plane thinking this must be a plane can stay in the air that stopovers........yes......definitely a typo. Then I looked up at the screen above me and saw that little dotted line on the map....The International Date Line. Where on this bloody ticket does it say anything about the International bloody Date Line!!!??? I knew the Pilot probably wouldn't turn around and go back so here I be.....with 2 Tuesdays and no Thursdays and once again stranded far away. Really nothing I can do....but if any of you want to explain to Andrew I would appreciate it. :(
I woke up after my 12 hour sleep this morning and realised I had missed breakfast so got ready and walked along the beach to my Pink Line Bus Stop. This bus goes to all the shopping centres and hotels and you can sit upstairs in the open air.....last time I did that was in London and I froze all my bits off but this was glorious. I got off at Ala Moana...holy moly....Take three Carindales and twelve Chermsides and put them inside and you would still have room for Pacific Fair. Well I may exaggerate a bit but it is enormous. I had a list of things I wanted to do and see there but Starbucks was the first stop. Then T Mobile to get a US sim card for my phone and then to the Apple store because I love the Apple Store and I got a new phone (which wasn't on the list). It's a nice and big 6 4S went from being just right when I got hard to read as my eyes my not having long enough arms to be able to read text messages. Love the 6!!! I will return tomorrow and see the rest of Ala Moana
I had to cancel a chiropractors appointment last week as I was in Adelaide and am having a lot of trouble with my back. Maybe I can get a massage or chiro tomorow...will try. After walking another 9 kms today it is playing up and I had to come back to rest and therefore didn't finish all "chores" hehe
There seems to be a lot of homeless people here which is so sad...or maybe its just because they are in a smaller area. If you have to be homeless Hawaii is certainly a better environment for it. I just had to take a picture of this one camp which was under a bridge.
That thing on the left is a telescope - very odd but I guess if you are sleeping under the stars you might as well have a damn good look at them
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