Thursday 19 January 2012


19 January 2012 Still blogging on my phone as no wi-fi so apologies for errors. Went up to my room this morning after breakfast and sat onmy bed and woke up two hours later. I am a little tired lol. I managed to find a laundry and got my washing done and also bought a big case with wheels. I just don't have the strength to carry my back right now. I got back to the hotel a out four and sat on my bed and woke up two hours later again!! I a feeling abut better but just very tired. Today I also booked into the hotel for another. iChat and extendedmy car hire for another day. On Sunday I get the 9.54 am train to Paddington. There are 3 Train Ganges on the way there. Then I get another train to Heathrow. I should get there about four pm and plane leaves at eight pm. Ugly Korean Airlines with a short stopover in Seoul then into Brisbane. It's Lee's birthday the day after I get there so will be able to spend it with her and fly back to Adelaide on the 26th. I may then sleep for a week or three. Tomorrow I'm going to drive to Redruth and just take it easy. It's lovely driving my little black hire car on the correct side of the road again (sorry American friends) - it reminds me of my car at home. The roads in Torquay are very narrow and winding and the way the locals drive its a wonder there aren't head on crashes every day. I can hardly stay awake so goodnight zzzzz zzzzzz

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