Saturday 15 October 2016

Today I walked & shopped & had a famous hot dog & lost my bag....and met a pig...!

Weather Max 23 Min 17

Well.....! I slept the sleep of the seriously jet lagged between 5 and 10 am but was awake most of the previous hours. I am still  a bit fuzzy headed but am on the road to lucidity.

I Ubered (I don't know if that is a word but I'm using it) to Target  on La Brea Ave to get a few things I needed. I strolled as far as Melrose Ave  and re visited Pink's. This is a hot dog place I went to on my last trip and it is WONDERFUL!

Chilli Dog with Kraut

I left Pink's and  strolled off down the street and was just generally plodding along when the cold realisation hit me that I only had one Target shopping handbag.....with my passport. money, cards etc etc in it.  I turned around and ran like the wind ...into Chipotle's restaurant ...realised I was in the wrong place....ran out of there and into Pink's and there it was. Sitting on the ground under my table.......where I put it to keep it safe. I am blaming jet lag and refuse to entertain any other possible reasons including old age, stupidity and carelessness.

I forgot to mention yesterday that all the people in the shuttle from the airport to my hotel did a search for my glasses...the ones I was wearing. This supports my jet lag defence.

I left red faced and met a pig.

Pet pig strolling down Melrose Ave...collar and lead.  The things you see.

I'm quite fascinated by my Uber drivers - one today says he makes $1000 a week working 4 to 5 hours a day. I don't think it's quite that good in Australia yet.

I solved the mystery of why they needed a security guard outside Wendy's.......every shop I've been to has it's own security guard. 

They keep saying things on TV that are disturbing......things like what to do in case of an earthquake....or "the big one" as they call it. Every time a big truck goes by I need to stifle my urge to drop,roll and tuck. 
They even have drill days - see

I must have way too much time on my hands. I was sitting having a coffee.....checking out if you have all read my blog.......and I was obviously using the mobile version on my phone. Now just read the address line and tell me it's not bloody funny. I mean I know people are always hoping to find these things but I never thought of looking here.

I've also taught myself to adjust the blog date for this time zone and how to make the print bigger.....nice one me!

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