Today I flew from Brisbane to Sydney for my interview in a couple of days at the US Consulate so I can obtain my 6 month Visa. Major stress out last night as I realised I had one vital piece of paper missing. When I went to the Consulate in 2011 for my last visa they were so strict. If there was anything not right you had to make another appointment - can be a month or so down the track. This would mean another flight to Sydney. Anyway - to cut a long story short - I had a panic attack and Lee located the form I needed and saved the day. Phew. Its just all been a bit much - selling all my stuff and half moved out of my flat and muscle pain in my arm at work again. Yikes.
Anyway today is Anzac Day and due to my early flight I missed the dawn service but we did have an Anzac treat on board.
Anzac Biscuit - yum |
The flight was extremely bumpy and it was only my iron will and clenched butt that kept the bird in the sky. Was glad to land safely - although it felt like we had square wheels. Maybe it was being flown by a P Plater.
My plan was to locate the Consulate so I would know where to go on Wednesday - easier said than done. I chose my hotel as - according to Mr Google - it is an 8 minute walk to the Consulate and my appointment is at 8.15 in the morning. Well if you add into the mix that roads were closed off for the Anzac Day Parade and the fact there were 12 million or so sailors, airmen and soldiers marching up and down everywhere and I have no sense of direction at the best of times and I know nothing of Sydney........! Two hours later I found the building I was looking for. Yes Mr Google, it IS in Martin Place but it is set back behind a plaza and cafe area and it looks like its on the next street Grrr. Anyhoo....I now know - I think - how to get there but will try the 8 minute walk option tomorrow just in case :)
Wreaths In Martin Place Sydney |
I stopped for lunch at the Lindt Cafe which is across the road from the Consulate. For my overseas friends, this was the site a year ago of a terrorist seige by a man who should have been already locked up years ago. The end result was a l6 hour seige with 18 hostages, the SWAT team finally went in and 2 hostages and the gunman died. All very sad and it was quite eerie seeing it today.
The Lindt Cafe |
Gorgeous chocolates at the Lindt Cafe |
I did sooo much walking finding the Consulate and wading shoulder deep in military personnel and was sleep deprived from late nights and early flight that I just needed a nap and my room was now available at the hotel so had a few zzzz's
Struggled awake and went out in search of food and had fish and chips in an Irish Pub around the corner. Again...yum!
Fish & Chips - didn't last long :) |
I gave in to temptation and purchased a 12" Apple Mac for travelling and I am just loving it. It is an extravagance because less than a yer ago I got a Mac Pro but this little one is so light and so easy to travel with and I got it at a great price so the temptation was too strong. :)
My Mini Mac xx |
Some of you know Jerome and he has joined me on this trip - here he is with his back pack. He is totally recovered from the broken hip he suffered in Iceland and tells me he is looking forward to his trip to the US - the land of his origin
Jerome |
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