Wednesday 3 August 2011

What a Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drove 241 miles (388 Kms) heading north and stopping at Eureka for a Denny's lunch (yum). Visited a National park to see the big Redwood trees - shrouded in mist and it was so incredibly quiet - beautiful. Intended to cover a few more miles before dark but decided to stop and take some photos of the beautiful coastline. Unfortunately the car wouldn't restart :(. To add to our woes we had no phone service and it was getting late. A few people we spoke to also had no phone service and one American man tried to jump start the car thinking it was the battery. Wasn't the battery though as the lights were still working.Anyway he took the details of the rental company and said he would call when he got a phone signal. Lee and I climbed in the van to wait and then next minute a Police car rolled up and then another. The guy couldn't get through on his phone so he passed our details on to the police and they came to investigate. They were great- they radioed through and spoke to the rental people and organised a tow truck. They waited with us for about an hour and a half as apparently there were "undesirables" in the area (glad we didn't have to sleep there after all). They were Officers Roeber & Depee and they showed us their bullet proof vests and stun guns and we had a great old yarn. A guy called Vic turned up and loaded the van on the back of the truck and took us into Crescent City and now Kyle is working on fixing it. Lee and I are in a motel and will find out the verdict tomorrow. They think it might be related to the air conditioner breaking down a few days ago and something seizing up the douverlackie and the watchmacallit in conjunction with the full moon being in its second trimester or something like that. Anyway the that's the rental company's problem.  Bugs #209

1 comment:

  1. what special giggys is needed to ride or drive in that van LOL Terry
