Weather Max 18 Min 13
I woke up to grey but dry skies so I decided to make the most of it and go to Chinatown and Union Square. I hopped on to my trustee hop on/hop off bus and took the scenic route - over the bridge because I never get tired of it - and through Golden Gate Park. It's a beautiful park and is bigger than Central Park NY. There was a young couple getting married in the gardens so all of us on top of the bus stood up and yelled ) MAZEL TOV!! They laughed and waved back lol
When I say grey I mean grey |
Fishermans Wharf - the best the sky got all day. |
It was cold on top of the bus - very very cold. Not so much the temperature but the wind factor. I began to regret not wearing my big coat. I hadn't really needed it until now and have just been wearing jeans and trakkies. But now I WANTED my coat and I NEEDED my coat. This Brisbane girl isn't used to this cold and it's only going to get colder as I go north.
This frozen look is because I AM frozen. |
I don't know how people manage in San Francisco - the roads are so steep - if I walked to the bottom of a hill I would never make it back up to my house again. I would just have to stay at the bottom.
This isn't even one of the steepest hills |
I haven't been on a cable car as yet this trip but will do so before I go. I always thought the cable was on top but they are underground and actually pull the car up the hills. They would need something similar in place for me if i lived here. I know I would have no gears left in my car.... hill starts would be the pits!
Cable Car |
It's Halloween today and all week people having been walking around in costumes. Halloween isn't really big in Australia so it is quite odd to see people in suits walking down the street with a Scream mask on. I'm thinking the adults like it more than the kids lol. Case in point - see picture below - man pushing pram. Child isn't dressed up. just Dad.
Scary |
Random - San Francisco from the bus turn around point
While I was turning into a blue eskimo on top of the bus I suddenly recognised the area and saw my hostel down the street. I hopped off with the plan of grabbing my coat, having some lunch and then continuing with my sight seeing. What actually happened was..I grabbed my coat...I had some lunch....and went back to my room and had a nap. Hence the title of todays blog.
Lunch - I think the Vietnamese name for this is Yum Bloody Yum |
This morning I extended my stay here for another couple of days so I could catch up with young Ben who I worked with until recently. He's also on holiday and having a ball by the looks of it. I'll see him on the 2nd.
Tomorrow I'll go to Amtrak to see how I can get to Crescent City where I will be meeting up with wonderful Larry and family from our last trip and Kyle and Curtis and Jackelyn. These people turned a van breakdown and an enforced 2 week halt to our last trip into one of the best times we had. My experience there was so good I had Crescent City Ca tattooed on my shoulder when I got home. Now THAT's commitment.
An earlyish night tonight I think with a good book. They're showing horror movies downstairs at 2 am for Halloween but i imagine everyone will have partaken in a fair bit of jungle juice by then so I'll pass. I don't think I'm ever going to get a regular sleep pattern going again so I give up. I'll just sleep when I'm tired.
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