Saturday, 16 July 2011


Had a fabulous day in Brisbane  catching up with Marion Fraser (Salter).We started nursing together in 1969 and haven't seen each other for 35 years - and of course we haven't changed a bit lol

Friday, 15 July 2011

An unexpected twist

Did not know that if you get the train from Sydney to Brisbane you need to get off and go by bus from Casino To Brisbane. 3 hours in a not very nice bus certainly took the shine off the beautiful scenery experienced up to this point. Staying in a friend of Lee's apartment in Brisbane and the magnificent Story Bridge is just outside the window....feel like I could just reach out and touch it. The river looks beautiful :)

Tuesday, 12 July 2011


Arrived in  Sydney after a 24 hour train trip from Adelaide.   .Really quite relaxing and enjoyable. Slept a lot  and am learning to relax. Lee flew in from Brisbane and we met up at the station in Sydney. Now chilling at the motel......both very tired........doing nothing is soooo tiring :)    Having a day in the city tomorrow checking out Sydney Harbour & the Opera House and making sure the bridge is still there and the on Friday we get on the train again for the 15 hour trip up the coast to Brisbane.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Well here we go!!!!!!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Been up since 4 am - been ready since 5 am- not being picked up till 8am. What more can I say lol