Lee and I set out at 7 am this morning with the intentions of having Breakfast at Maccas and to visit the Tree Top Walk in the Lamington National Park....... and.....before you ask.....yes.......I did see a lady eating a lamington!
Firstly, you need to know that in all Lee and my travels there is always a third "person" in the car with us. That irritating trout mouthed woman on the GPS. Lee hates to be interrupted while talking so she turns GPS lady off or the volume down. I however, feel she needs to be on full volume and I also wish she had a stick with which she could prod us. The reason is simple....Lee and I get talking and we totally ignore GPS lady and we go past turn after turn that GPS lady is yelling at us to take and she's constantly demanding we do a U turn......even when it would be an obvious death sentence. Then she starts recalculating then re calculating her recalculations.....and it all ends in tears.
Short story is we never did get to Tree Tops but we did risk life and limb on some very narrow, windy hilly roads. We saw a couple of wild kangaroos and a whole herd of happy alpacas. We found a lake full of turtles and a toilet just in the nick of time.
We decided not to take this path - 100 metres down it we could see a huge sign saying DANGER Not really sure if they were warning the Python or us! We didn't go the other way because we're not morons (bad pun) |
We did |
This guy was so cute and he needed braces on his teeth |
This was one of many turtles in the lake....see photo below...beautiful spot |
By lunchtime we were tired of being lost so headed to Miami Beach to meet up with some friends in the Ocean View Caravan Park for a BBQ.
Miami Beach Qld... how damned nice! |
No lifeguards in sight though...sad face |
Andrew |
Lee |
Wendy and Brigit...really don't know how to spell that |
Nice drive home, once again deaf to GPS lady's pleas and we totally missed the turn off to the Yatala Pie Shop....so sad. Sorry Michael...it was Lee's fault.
We did get home tired and pieless but safe and had a great day.