Saturday, 23 July 2011

I'm a Walmart girl!!

Another day of rest cos we have sore throats - probably airplane germs grrr Went to Walmart and love it - bought a microwave for the camper van - $58 WTF!!  Also 36 bottles water x 500 mls for $3.48 - less than 10 cents each??????  H ave brought Australia and USA together - Foster's beer and squeezy cheese in a can lol   Bugs #32

Friday, 22 July 2011

Face your fears and do it anyway

WELL!!! The 21st was THE day! We picked up the camper van and I cannot convey my anguish at seeing the size of it. Although small by comparative RV sizes it is 3 times bigger than anything I have ever driven before. Add to that in USA they drive on the opposite side of the road and even the indicators and gear shift are on the opposite sides of the steering column. I felt like I was driving the Queen Mary down an alleyway in mirror image!!!! Lee was a great (and scared) instructor constantly telling me when I got too close to trees, cars, cyclists and the general public on the passenger side. We also have a Sat Nav which Lee interpreted brilliantly. So as not to get too complacent and let the fear wear off:(  I then drove from near the LAX pickup point to Venice Beach and then back across LA in peak hour to get to Annaheim. Venice Beach to Annaheim is a distance of about 40 miles- due to traffic holdups it took over 2 hours to get there - every muscle was clenched tight - and I mean EVERY -  the whole time. Would have been nice to pick it up in the countryside and practice first but this was a real baptism of fire. Venice Beach was great and had a yummy lunch at a beachfront pub. Then walked along the seafront - markets- acrobats- some very "interesting" looking people.  Today isthe 22nd and we are having a day of rest before going to Disneyland tomorrow. We are only half a mile from there and last night we could see the fireworks - very impressive (and loud). Bugs #29

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Universal Studios

Awesome rides at Universal Studios - 6 hours of walking killed my feet though lol.  Wasn't quite a as hot today but still a lot different to Oz. Just bought some groceries including a 6 pack of Bud Light for Lee at the corner shop - thought it would be about $45 -was actually $22 - amazing - so much cheaper than Adelaide.  Bugs #16

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Flight to LA

We left from gate 86 (Maxwell Smart) and flew on VA007 (James Bond)....spooky! The flight was great and seemed to go quickly. Had lots of toys to play with - small screen with TV programs & movies & games. Watched 463 episodes (or thereabouts :) ) of the Big Bang Theory - I love Sheldon :)    Because of the time difference we spent the 18th travelling to LA but also had the full day in LA.  Bought an I Phone (love it) - did lots of walking - Lee hit the clothes shops. It was very hot especially after leaving 1 degree C in Adelaide.  Ended the day with sore feet and a Mexican dinner and a 10 hours sleep
Bugs #6

Now the 19th and spent the day on our feet again. Walked to Hollywood & Vine and the surrounding area.  Once again it was very hot.  Stopped at Fatburger for a surprisingly healthy burger and did our first "star" spotting - chatted with Sophie Monk. Very nice and I will stress she wasn't eating burgers lol - she was there with her brother who was doing the eating. Went to Graumans Chinese Theatre and saw all the stars prints in the cement - James Stewart had the biggest feet. Went to Angels Flight which is a cable car that only goes one stop up a hill - read about it in a Michael Connolley  book - very interesting. We could see the Hollywood sign in the distance and will see it up close tomorrow. They were rolling out the red carpet for the Premiere of Captain America but it was too hot and crowded to hang around. Did a bit of shopping -much cheaper than Australia. Taxi back to hostel - feet to sore :)  Bugs#13