Weather Max 18 Min 9
Great sleep and up early to go to Jacksonville for sight seeing. Jacksonville is an old mining and agricultural town with lot of historical buildings. I opened the door of my motel and it was a
pea souper. Not much use going sight seeing in da fog!!
While I was waiting for it to clear I had another coffee and got hit with a wave of homesickness. It's the first time it's really happened.....need my kid, the boy and the dog. Ah well....only 5 months to go lol
It was late morning by the time it cleared so, as the desk clerk seemed to have no idea where I could catch a bus and time was marching on I caught a taxi to Jacksonville which isn't far. My taxi driver must have slept in because he still had his jammies on.
Jammy Man |
There was still a lot of fog in the distance and the driver said that they send up planes to seed the clouds to disperse the fog. Never heard of that before.
There are going to be a lot of photos today because Jacksonville is absolutely gorgeous, especially since all the trees are dressed up in their very finest autumn leaves.
Right down to its little white picket fence |
I had a hot chocolate and a bran muffin at the Goodbean Coffeehouse...that muffin was the fluffiest moistest cake ever.
Best Bran muffin EVA!! |
I left there and headed to the cemetery which I heard was quite special. Now anyone who knows me also knows that I have no sense of direction. You could put me in a 10 x 10 square room with a compass and a guide dog and I still wouldn't find the corner. So......I managed to head off, in the wrong direction, up a steep, steep hill. I got a bit stressed (No - I don't get stressed -I'm retired - I was mildly perturbed!) as I didn't seem to be getting where I needed to be and then a sign showed that I was back in BEAR and CRITTER land. Then I looked up to a street sign that said Elm Street. My very own nightmare in Elm Street!
Look out for the Bears! |
I did an about turn and asked for directions from a fellow walker and ...yes....I was walking in the exact opposite direction. HOWEVER....I did see some stunning scenery while i was "lost".
I finally found the cemetery and guess what.....another big bloody hill to get to the gates. My legs and butt will be aching tomorrow - I did over 10 kms today. As I was going through the gate a deer popped out to say hello. This is an approved critter.
This town is just so pretty and full of history. Everyone was very friendly and smiled and said hello. I felt like I was in another time. I loved it.
I had lunch at C St Cafe - a Wedge Salad - tasted superb so I ordered a Ginger Beer and it was BUNDABURG - just to rub the salt into the homesickness wound.
Wedge Salad |
Random - I saw Duck Waffle on the menu...wh-a-a-a-t?
Getting back to the cemetery. It was a beautiful spot but very sad. There were family plots from the mid to late 1800's and there would be mum and dad and in one case, 6 babies all about 2 years old. It must have been so tough back in those days. We take our medical care for granted. It seemed to put life in proportion a bit. I felt quite sad by the time I left.
Random - Catherine Coulson - think Twin Peaks - is also buried there.
I caught the bus back to Medford - $1 on my old lady ticket - and am still trying to decide on dinner.
I am about to start packing ready for my trip by bus to Portlnd Oregon tomorrow - takes about 6 hours