12 January 2012 - I got to JFK airport pretty early as I had to be out of the hotel at noon but my flight didn't leave till 8 pm so I just hung around the airport and people watched and read and managed to re ignite my cold. Got quite feverish by the time the plane took off. Add to this that the plane wasn't quite as big as I am used to and there seemed to be an awful lot of people on it and the ambient temperature was very high - or was that my fever? Managed to amuse myself watching movies to while the time away but for the last half hour - I guess as we began descent - my ears went crazy. Couldn't hear a thing - and the right one hurt. Didn't want to try any of the yawning tricks to pop them as previously I have burst ear drums on both sides and I had visions of bursting them again - it was that bad.
Imagine arriving at the airport at 6 am where I couldn't find anyone who spoke English - there were no signs in English - and when I did find someone who had limited English I couldn't hear what they were saying. lol Was like a bad Benny Hill Show. Anyway - finally found a nice young man who got me a ticket on the right bus (40 mins to hotel from Airport so was glad I didn't have to cab it) and physically took me out and carried my bag to the bus. I'm sure that he thought I was permanently deaf and maybe a little bit senile.
The good news is there is lots and lots of fresh snow....beautiful. This park was covered with pristine snow.
Park with pristine snow - BEFORE
AFTER - I just had to hehehe
Sunrise was at 11.03 and sunset at 4.09 so I spent most of that time just trudging through sometimes quite deep snow looking for a Chemist shop to treat my dodgy ears. Once again no English signs and very few English speaking people. I asked one man for "Chemist"....head shake....."Pharmacy"....head shake....."Drugs"....and his eyes nearly popped out his head. I think he thought I was trying to buy some illicit drugs lol. I finally stumbled on a Pharmacy and could only tell the difference between that and a pickled herring factory because it had "Nicorette" on a sign. Now have spray for my nose which will clear my ears...they tell me...and more cough medicine. I also got some ear plugs which I'll use tomorrow on the 3 hour flight to London. If it still is an issue I will go to the doctor there...ok ..KAE....KAREN....ROBYN!! nag nag :)
Went back to the hostel and once the sun went down I caught up on some sleep....my timing is all up the spout......and it will all change tomorrow so I'll just play it by ear (oops!!!)
What I have seen is very beautiful but a little smelly..I'm thinking maybe sulphur as it's a volcanic area....the beauty outweighs the smell and I'm very glad I came
Gordon making snow angels |
Ooohh, I love snow!