Had lunch in Toledo and a quick look around - once again not a pretty place.
We booked into the Hickory Lake Caravan Park at West Salem for the night. Nice spot but wasn't game to use the showers. Also they had bees - savage bees!! Miles 250.2 miles (403 kms) Bugs# 701
28 September - West Salem is Amish country and we spied a few working in the fields and driving the horse and carts.
We drove on to Columbus Ohio where Lee met up with a friend Leigh whom she met on her previous travels in NZ. Lovely lady who introduced to to Cayenne flavoured chocolate ice cream - it was beautiful and so was she. We drove on to Wheeling West Virginia for no better reason than it is the name of one of my favourite Neil Sedaka songs. What an amazing town - bridges every where ("on the banks of the O H I O") and the most incredible mix of architecture - even European looking in places.
After touring the city and getting lost and going over every bridge in town several times we looked for a motel. We tried a Super 8 but they had no room at the inn so as we drove off we saw a big sign pointing us to Bethlehem...a suburb of Wheeling. A coincidence...I think not lol. We found a very dowdy motel that had free porn on the TV...as Lee found out accidently. Not something you want to watch while your mother is in the room bwahahahaha. Miles 288.2 (463 km) Bugs # 714

29 September - Drove from Wheeling to Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. First impressions - great looking skyline - crazy traffic caused by lots of road works and one way streets and pedestrians who just walked wherever they wanted regardless of red lights. No way we would ever find a park so after a good squiz around we left heading towards Buffalo NY. Along the way we exited the freeway to get supplies and entered a town called Meadville. They had all these sculptures made out of road signs - decorating the Dept of Transport.
Off again and we are now in Buffalo and hopefully will be seeing Niagara Falls tomorrow (from the Canada side) Miles 313.9 (505 kms) Bug # 721
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