Tuesday 13 September 2011

Kaz & Robbo!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 th September - 170.6 miles (275 kms) Drove to Winterset Iowa where John Wayne was born and saw his home - very tiny. Interesting museum. His mother must have held a grudge against him because he was over 13 lb when he was born. Ouch!

Drove on to Omaha City to visit Karen & Robby Rabuck. I have known Karen through the internet for about 11years and am very excited about meeting her and Robby for real!!!! Bugs #566

10th September to 12 th September- In Omaha with Karen & Robby and  having a great time. They are every bit as wonderful as I thought and more. We visited the Old Market, Had lunch at Billy Frog's, noodled through lots of shops, ate ice cream, ate the most amazing ribs I have ever tasted - cooked with love by our Robby. He seriously needs to open a rib restaurant. We went to dinner at Lazlo's - another great meal - this time Robby built the building lol. On 9/11 we hung out and watched the replay on TV  - just as moving and as frightening now as it was 10 years ago. We also watched the Huskers win against Fresno State - Huskers were losing till Robby saved the day by gearing up in his Huskers clothes. Makes Ronald McDonald look dowdy lol. Bugs # 577
Karen & Robby at Billy Frog's Omaha
Karen & Robby at Lazlo's
Robby ready for the Husker's game


  1. Great pics of Kaz and me. (pinching them) Go Huskers!

  2. You look so cute in red and white lol

  3. Paula saw that pic and liked my socks. Those are just my white feet!!
