Monday 26 September 2011

Detroit City Michigan......put your right foot in...take your foot out...and run....

When we arrived in Jackson last night - quite late - we unpacked and went to a restaurant for dinner. Came back , did my Blog and then, because it was so late by then we got into bed and turned the telly on and watched a whole string of Saturday Night Mysteries (even though it was Sunday night...hmm) At the same time we were playing Angry Birds on our I Phones. Next thing we knew it was 3.45 am. Lee went off to sleep but I just could not sleep. At 7 am I went to Starbucks next door and had some coffee and a blueberry scone (yum).  So with absolutely no sleep we left  to continue our trip. We decided to do short hops to make sure I didn't doze off - even thought I still wasn't tired at this stage.  Drove to Ann Arbor MI - pretty town so we  stopped for lunch at an Indian Restaurant.
 Headed off for the next "hop" - to Dearborn on the outskirts of Detroit. Visited the Henry Ford Museum. This is located next to the world HQ of Ford which is quite impressive in itself. The museum was really interesting - they had some amazing stuff there. Was very moved as I stood looking at the car in which President Kennedy was killed. It was an unexpectedly emotional feeling - I guess because I was a child of that era and we all remember his death so well.

What a silly Sausage

Was feeling very tired by now so inhaled a couple of coffees and left for what should have been a 20 minute trip into Detroit and a hotel for the night. Somehow we ended up  on Heidelberg Street by accident - most amazing sights - see for yourself. There were clocks on all the trees in the street and the houses were so weird. The whole street was quite scary so we decided to skedaddle but things just got worse. We turned into this 6 lane highway (Gratiot Avenue) that went for miles and it was like being in Beirut. Lots of burned buildings and those that were still there were falling apart. If you removed the cars and sent a few tumbleweeds down the street you would have a perfect setting for the day after the nuclear bomb was dropped. Now I know the whole city isn't like this but it did scare us - especially when Lee saw a man on this busy road with a rifle!!  We decided that we would explore the rest of Detroit tomorrow but would spend tonight just over the border in Windsor Canada. It took us ages to find a motel so am typing this with match sticks holding up my drooping eyelids. I really must stay awake till 9 pm or I'll be awake again at 2 am. When you look at Detroit from this side of the lake it look quite beautiful

Heidelberg Street - the whole street was like these
Bugs # 691   Miles today 161.5 (260 km)


  1. Take care when you return to Detroit. Ask Lee, but I think this is where Eminem comes from (see movie '8 Mile').

  2. FYI ... we changed our Internet connection and were without for several painful weeks. Anyhoo ... you have had ur ups and downs! I hope ur ok after ur hospital experience. Weird sleeping patterns, but then ur on holiday. Live a little :-)

    Ur missing Australia's not got talent but I am sure u can live without the off key, out of tune songs.

    So far, has the trip lived up to or exceeded ur expectations?


  3. Hey Paul - I didn't realise you were PJPS lol - I'm missing my favourite Scottish family :( - but I'm having to good a time to come home lol

    The trip is beyond expectations
