Got up early after a restless night and repacked the car. The lady in charge saw me moving around early so brought my breakfast early - what a champ and the breakfast was perfect.
There were many many dead kangaroos along the road and for some reason a lot of them in Victoria had their tails cut off.......kangaroo tail soup...?
There is also an incredible number of Grey Nomads on the road. Enough Kombi Van had a sign on the back saying. "Adventure to Dementia" lol
The Hay Plains consisted of its usual dull, colourless, boring endless miles...BUT...I have driven across Texas and New Mexico!! I spitz in yer eye Hay Plains!!
I decided that on this trip I would count Police Cars......doh......1500 odd kms and I'm still using one hand.....5 cars so far. Wonder if there were any more hiding behind bushes with radar guns. That would be bad.
Today I drove 1023 kms and I'm currently in Moree for the night. I'm just a mere 125 kms from Goondiwindi and the Queensland border but it was dark and I was tired so will do it tomorrow. I AM tired but again not that brain fogging numbness that I've had before. This is good.....maybe I've turned the corner :)
Anyway....I'm just 473 kms from Brisbane YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
I passed through the Shire of Bland...and it was. Bet it's where John Q Citizen and Jane Doe live
Well....I've just watched Rake and now I'm too pooped to pop. Got to sleeeep zzzzzzzz
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
You know you're in the country when........
Stopped at Balranald for the night and went to the restaurant and ordered steak and veggies. A platter - not a plate - a platter came with half a cow and cabbage and roast potato and corn cob and carrot and peas and broccoli and cauliflower cheese and pumpkin and mashed potato. Now that's what I call steak and veggies.
Was up at 5.30 am to pack the car before the removalists got there. I helped carry 12 million (small) boxes so got quite a workout. They finally finished and took off and I was on the road just before noon. It was a brilliant day weather wise and also health wise. No fatigue at all - even with all the carrying of boxes. Managed 584 kms before it started to get dark. Quite good under the circumstances.
The drive itself was good - warm sunny day and lovely countryside - especially a big lake at Tooleybuc
Totally pooped now so time to pump out some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's
Was up at 5.30 am to pack the car before the removalists got there. I helped carry 12 million (small) boxes so got quite a workout. They finally finished and took off and I was on the road just before noon. It was a brilliant day weather wise and also health wise. No fatigue at all - even with all the carrying of boxes. Managed 584 kms before it started to get dark. Quite good under the circumstances.
The drive itself was good - warm sunny day and lovely countryside - especially a big lake at Tooleybuc
Totally pooped now so time to pump out some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Up and Down like a yoyo...!!
Well!! Tomorrow's the big day....the removalists are coming at 8.30 am and while they are packing the container I'll pack my car with the gear I am taking with me. The stuff in the container might not come for up to 3 weeks as it isn't a full load so I have to take a lot of essentials with me in the car. Hope there's room for me.!!!
I was naughty on Saturday and went out and bought a 50" LCD TV........I know it would have made more sense to buy it once I get to Brisbane but it was a good deal....and....and....and...I just wanted it. Once I get to Brisbane and start paying full rent and utilities I won't be able to afford to do things like that so I thought...why early Birthday present for myself. Gee...I'm good to me :)
My health has been all over the place this last week. Feeling quite good one minute then hit with debilitating fatigue the next. I thought I was getting over all that after 9 months of it but I guess the hernia operation may have caused a rebound. The trip is 2040 kms so if it takes a week so be it....I'll just drive till I start getting tired and then book into a motel.....regardless of what time it is. It's no race.
The good news is I'm taking the dog, Jack, with me. The bad news is that he is cremated and in a little wooden chest. Now I call him Jack-in-the-box. At least it will give me someone to talk to lol
I've grown extra fat this last couple of weeks - saying my good byes and eating lots of hotel meals. I'm looking forward to eating well again and getting some miles on my chubbier- day-by-day legs.
It goes without saying that I'm pretty excited at this point so I won't say it. hehehehe
During the USA trip I counted VW bugs and during the Adelaide - Melbourne - Sydney trip I counted road kill. Not sure what I'll count this time. Any ideas?
I was naughty on Saturday and went out and bought a 50" LCD TV........I know it would have made more sense to buy it once I get to Brisbane but it was a good deal....and....and....and...I just wanted it. Once I get to Brisbane and start paying full rent and utilities I won't be able to afford to do things like that so I thought...why early Birthday present for myself. Gee...I'm good to me :)
My health has been all over the place this last week. Feeling quite good one minute then hit with debilitating fatigue the next. I thought I was getting over all that after 9 months of it but I guess the hernia operation may have caused a rebound. The trip is 2040 kms so if it takes a week so be it....I'll just drive till I start getting tired and then book into a motel.....regardless of what time it is. It's no race.
The good news is I'm taking the dog, Jack, with me. The bad news is that he is cremated and in a little wooden chest. Now I call him Jack-in-the-box. At least it will give me someone to talk to lol
I've grown extra fat this last couple of weeks - saying my good byes and eating lots of hotel meals. I'm looking forward to eating well again and getting some miles on my chubbier- day-by-day legs.
It goes without saying that I'm pretty excited at this point so I won't say it. hehehehe
During the USA trip I counted VW bugs and during the Adelaide - Melbourne - Sydney trip I counted road kill. Not sure what I'll count this time. Any ideas?
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Another busy day...does it ever end?
- Gas and electricity now connected at new flat
- Ironing done
- Farewell lunch at Brighton with Vicki
- Back to wash and clean car inside and out ready for packing with my gear- boy was it dirty!!
- An hour of my life lost filling insurance forms in for my "stuff" the removalist is taking
- Unpacking boxes - "stuff" wont be there for 2 - 3 weeks so I needed to retrieve essentials - toaster, kettle. frypan, iron etc etc. I will take these in the car. - need to find time to repack the other stuff again.
It's all getting just a little bit too hectic at the moment and the next four days are just as bad. Almost looking forward to hitting the road on Wednesday just for a rest lol
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Good bye to Victor Harbor :(
Busy day. Drove an hour to Victor Harbor and sorted out some personal stuff. Got cheques off for bond on flat and first months rent YAY! YAY! Looking forward to having my own place - I've been living out of boxes and bags for 2 1/2 years now. Gonna be soooo gooood.
Picked Mum up from Goolwa (85 years old) and took her out to a nice lunch at the Red Orchid in Victor Harbor. All was going well till I took her home to her place and she burst into tears and said "This is the last time I'll ever see you". Well...that pushed me over the edge. Very difficult but possibly true...although I will try to make sure that isn't the case. Realistically I will be over 2000 kms away so she may be right and it did hit home.
Had a blurry eyed drive home.
Picked Mum up from Goolwa (85 years old) and took her out to a nice lunch at the Red Orchid in Victor Harbor. All was going well till I took her home to her place and she burst into tears and said "This is the last time I'll ever see you". Well...that pushed me over the edge. Very difficult but possibly true...although I will try to make sure that isn't the case. Realistically I will be over 2000 kms away so she may be right and it did hit home.
Had a blurry eyed drive home.
Queensland Bound - all going to plan
Since my last little trip to Brisbane the plan was hatched for me to relocate there. I must admit the warm climate and the chance to see more of Lee made it a no brainer .
Things are all falling into place - my things to do list went like this.....
Things are all falling into place - my things to do list went like this.....
- Have operation for triple hernia (result of the bug I caught in New York) - done!
- Get a job - done!
- Get a flat - done!
- Organise removalists - done!
The removalists come next Wednesday 3 rd October and as soon as they load up I will start driving to Brisbane. As I'm still technically recuperating from my surgery I'll allow 3 or 4 days to get to Brisbane - just over 2000 kms.
I'm really excited about the move and the job and seeing my kid and being warm again - and before you ask - YES - I will have a guest room lol.
Watch this space.........................................................
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Brisbane bound yayayay!!
Encounter Bay South Australia
12 August 2012 - went for a long walk with sister Joey and friend Cheryl along the coastline of Encounter Bay. It really is glorious scenery and on a par with anything else I've seen in my travels.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Home again, Home again...Jiggetty Jig
31 July 2012 - A great trip back - near perfect weather. Had a big cooked breakfast at the Motel in Balranald - there was enough bacon on the plate to build a pig!! I guess maybe it's a truckie stop and that's why it was so affordable. HOWEVER - there is always a price to pay and I was never so pleased to see the public conveniences at Euston and was so happy that they were easy to find. I promised God my first born if he helped. Sorry Lee :)
Not long after this joyful occasion I turned a wide sweeping bend in the road and there were three police cars and on the side of the road a 4 WD was upside down and people all standing around hugging each other. Now this is what I mean about the drivers - this was a big wide sweeping bend - 110 km limit - WTF happened that would flip a 4WD. The mind boggles. I couldn't see any other smashed car so unless I missed it, it was a single car accident. Ah well....let's hope no one was seriously injured.
When I got onto the Wellington Ferry for the last leg home we were accompanied by a very large pelican. Colonel Sanders could make a fortune with the drumsticks alone!!
As I drove through Strathalbyn and on into Currency Creek the sun came out and the coast came into view - big waves breaking - ridiculously blue sea - cloud free blue sky - sun shining - it was gorgeous and it became clear that there is really no place like home.
Total Road kill # 72 Today's mileage #654.5 Total Mileage # 3836.4 kms
Not long after this joyful occasion I turned a wide sweeping bend in the road and there were three police cars and on the side of the road a 4 WD was upside down and people all standing around hugging each other. Now this is what I mean about the drivers - this was a big wide sweeping bend - 110 km limit - WTF happened that would flip a 4WD. The mind boggles. I couldn't see any other smashed car so unless I missed it, it was a single car accident. Ah well....let's hope no one was seriously injured.
When I got onto the Wellington Ferry for the last leg home we were accompanied by a very large pelican. Colonel Sanders could make a fortune with the drumsticks alone!!
Kentucky Fried Pelican....? |
How beautiful...wish I was on it. |
Total Road kill # 72 Today's mileage #654.5 Total Mileage # 3836.4 kms
Monday, 30 July 2012
Hmm!! Interesting day
30 July 2012 - I left Sydney about 10 am to head back to Adelaide. Beautiful sunny day and the roads were kind and there was very little traffic. There isn't a lot to see on the Hume Highway - in fact it is quite boring.
I had my first pit stop at a place called Gunning - very mediocre sausage roll but a great cup of coffee.
Next stop was at Gundagai where I saw the Dog on the Tucker Box (American friends need to Google this) and bought a postcard for Bindi (Marion's dog in Sydney).
I started off again driving over the Hay plains - this is very very boring - the surface of the moon has more going for it. I began to think I might drive to Hay and stop for the night and that I should get in before dark. It actually got dark about 30 kms out from Hay and I was concentraing on the two semi trailers that were all lit up and coming towards me when I nearly ran into the BACK of a dark car pulling a dark trailer with NO LIGHTS on it at 55 kms in a 110 kph zone. FERCRYINOUTLOUD!!!! The car had its rear lights on but the trailer completely blocked them out. I overtook him and tried to wave him down but he didn't stop so I overtook him again and left him in the hands of the Gods. What a moron.
I got to Hay and pulled in to the motel - they wanted $109 for just me for one night - I mean this place is out in the bloody sticks. I said it was too much but if they dropped the price I would stay and use the restaurant as well but the woman said no. I pointed out that's why only 3 of their rooms were filled and that its better to have someone paying something than no one paying nothing. When we were in the USA if you got into the motels latish and they had empty rooms they would always deal. Anyway I said I wasn't going to pay that much and left.
I drove on to the next town which was Balranald - 125 km away. By now it was seriously dark - very cloudy so no moon. The road was good but there were semi trailers starting to come out of the woodwork - all coming towards me. With one I forgot to dip my lights but it was way off. He flicked his lights to remind me but when he got just in front of me he let loose with all his "brights" and literally blinded me....I was lucky I didn't go off the road. THEN...I got stuck behind another guy with a big trailer that blocked off all vision ahead so I couldn't see to get by him. He insisted on doing 90 to 100 on the 110 kph highway and whenever there was the vaguest chance I could get past him he straddled the white line to stop me. This went on all the way into Balranald. What is the matter with these people? It's no wonder the road toll is so bloody high grrrr.
I'm now booked into a great hotel room in Balranald - for $70 a night - much more reasonable and the good thing is I am only about 550 kms from Adelaide so will be home tomorrow.
22 Lots of road kill today - not surprising when you think the people I described above are on the
Total road kill #67 Mileage today # 885.4
I had my first pit stop at a place called Gunning - very mediocre sausage roll but a great cup of coffee.
Next stop was at Gundagai where I saw the Dog on the Tucker Box (American friends need to Google this) and bought a postcard for Bindi (Marion's dog in Sydney).
I started off again driving over the Hay plains - this is very very boring - the surface of the moon has more going for it. I began to think I might drive to Hay and stop for the night and that I should get in before dark. It actually got dark about 30 kms out from Hay and I was concentraing on the two semi trailers that were all lit up and coming towards me when I nearly ran into the BACK of a dark car pulling a dark trailer with NO LIGHTS on it at 55 kms in a 110 kph zone. FERCRYINOUTLOUD!!!! The car had its rear lights on but the trailer completely blocked them out. I overtook him and tried to wave him down but he didn't stop so I overtook him again and left him in the hands of the Gods. What a moron.
I got to Hay and pulled in to the motel - they wanted $109 for just me for one night - I mean this place is out in the bloody sticks. I said it was too much but if they dropped the price I would stay and use the restaurant as well but the woman said no. I pointed out that's why only 3 of their rooms were filled and that its better to have someone paying something than no one paying nothing. When we were in the USA if you got into the motels latish and they had empty rooms they would always deal. Anyway I said I wasn't going to pay that much and left.
I drove on to the next town which was Balranald - 125 km away. By now it was seriously dark - very cloudy so no moon. The road was good but there were semi trailers starting to come out of the woodwork - all coming towards me. With one I forgot to dip my lights but it was way off. He flicked his lights to remind me but when he got just in front of me he let loose with all his "brights" and literally blinded me....I was lucky I didn't go off the road. THEN...I got stuck behind another guy with a big trailer that blocked off all vision ahead so I couldn't see to get by him. He insisted on doing 90 to 100 on the 110 kph highway and whenever there was the vaguest chance I could get past him he straddled the white line to stop me. This went on all the way into Balranald. What is the matter with these people? It's no wonder the road toll is so bloody high grrrr.
I'm now booked into a great hotel room in Balranald - for $70 a night - much more reasonable and the good thing is I am only about 550 kms from Adelaide so will be home tomorrow.
22 Lots of road kill today - not surprising when you think the people I described above are on the
Total road kill #67 Mileage today # 885.4
Friday, 27 July 2012
Gordon got legless!!!!!
28 July 2012 - I'm spending a few days house and dog sitting in Sydney for my old friend from a million years ago, Marion. Her Mother has recently passed away and Marion is off toWalcha to celebrate what would have been her Mother's 99th birthday. Thinking of you Marion and Mrs S. xx
Gordon McGnome and I watched the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics...oohing and aahing at all the sights . Loved it. Gordon - being the hard headed little man he is - insisted on going out on the front lawn and showing off his prowess at the pole vault. It was obvious his training failed to cover the fact that one needs to let go of the pole at a critical point in the jump. It was also obvious that Gordon had forgotten that he's at least 100 years old and recently recovered from hip replacement surgery.
I called a Gnome Removalist who rushed Gordon to the Nepean Hospital for Vertically Challenged Gnomes and he is now out of surgery and in traction.
Only time will tell if a full recovery will be made.
Gordon McGnome and I watched the Opening Ceremony of the London Olympics...oohing and aahing at all the sights . Loved it. Gordon - being the hard headed little man he is - insisted on going out on the front lawn and showing off his prowess at the pole vault. It was obvious his training failed to cover the fact that one needs to let go of the pole at a critical point in the jump. It was also obvious that Gordon had forgotten that he's at least 100 years old and recently recovered from hip replacement surgery.
Gordon's failed pole vault attempt. |
I called a Gnome Removalist who rushed Gordon to the Nepean Hospital for Vertically Challenged Gnomes and he is now out of surgery and in traction.
Gordon McGnome in traction following surgery for bilateral broken legs. |
Only time will tell if a full recovery will be made.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
A Walk in the Park
26 July 2012 - The weather was a bit cold and wet so we decided on a drive with Marion's dog Biddy for company. We ended up at Tench Reserve on the banks of the Nepean river - a lovely park with the greenest grass I've seen in years.
At times it seems that Biddy was taking Marion for a walk not the other way around.
We came across a group of old people (please read "older than us") waiting for the Nepean Belle - a paddle steamer/restaurant that cruises the river. Envied them a bit going off on the boat...looked like fun.
Tench Reserve - Penrith |
At times it seems that Biddy was taking Marion for a walk not the other way around.
Who's the Boss? |
We came across a group of old people (please read "older than us") waiting for the Nepean Belle - a paddle steamer/restaurant that cruises the river. Envied them a bit going off on the boat...looked like fun.
The Nepean Belle We finished the day with a lovely roast pork dinner cooked by Marion and devoured with much pleasure by me and John Always nice to have someone else do the cooking for once lol |
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Sydney NSW
25 July 2012 - Had a wonderful sleep and Marion and I went out for a drive and some sight seeing, There was an incredible fog when the day started - one which grounded all flights at Sydney airport. However - as the day went on the fog dispersed and the sun shone and it became a beautiful 20 C day.
We went up to Hawkesbury Lookout and the view was quite something. You could see for miles - the city skyline was way off in the distance and the Nepean River snaked around below us.
Total Road kill # still 45 (no new ones today) Mileage - No Driving by me today
We went up to Hawkesbury Lookout and the view was quite something. You could see for miles - the city skyline was way off in the distance and the Nepean River snaked around below us.
Total Road kill # still 45 (no new ones today) Mileage - No Driving by me today
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Batemans Bay to Sydney NSW
24 July 2012 - Spent a couple of days in a motel at Batemans Bay recovering from my upset stomach. The motel was right on the rivers edge and cost too much but it was an ideal place for rest and recuperation. Went out for a while and took some random photos of this beautiful part of the world.
Left quite early this morning for the drive to Sydney. I passed through lots of towns with the wonderful names of Mollymook and Ulla Dulla and Nowra and Kiama - crazy names. The day started of pristine but got a bit wet and cloudy later on. I arrived in Sydney about 12.30 and am now safely ensconced in Marion's house at Jamisontown in Western Sydney. (Marion and I started nursing together in 1969 - quite a while ago now lol)
Road kill Total # 45 - no fresh kills at all today Mileage # 306.5
Batemans Bay |
Road kill Total # 45 - no fresh kills at all today Mileage # 306.5
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Lakes Entrance Victoria to Batemans Bay NSW
Took off from Lakes Entrance heading north and since I'd had an upset stomach the day before and didn't eat dinner last night I decided to stop at Nowa Nowa and have a full breakfast - it was huge!!! It was also a huge mistake :( I put the picture below on Facebook a while ago and have spent most of today proving it is true. It was like a Benny Hill show - racing in to a town - circling the centre looking for "him" and "her" signs, then running around like a crazy woman - very carefully though - trying to find my way in....constantly :(
![]() |
So True |
Mouth of the Snowy at Marlo |
It seems someone was having fun with the signposts.
See the little golliwog? |
Love the skiing Kangaroo |
Merimbula |
I did see my first Echidna in the wild today - it was lying on its back in the middle of the road with his legs in the air so I'm not sure that counts :) Also saw a kookaburra...not sitting in the old gum tree but on a fence post very patiently.
Kookaburra |
On the road to Marlo - some of you may need this, Funny thing is that pen was full of great big fat porkers lol |
My motel is nice and looks straight out over the river and bridge - will take some photos tomorrow after a nice sleep in. It's pouring down at the moment but am nice and snug.
Total Roadkill #45 Mileage today #487.5
Saturday, 21 July 2012
Melbourne - Lakes Entrance Victoria
21 July 2012 - Spent last evening with Wendy and Narelle Stapleton - schoolmates from Woomera like 46 years ago and we haven't seen each other since. Had a wonderful catch up and if your ears were burning you know why lol We went to a restaurant in Williamstown and I ate half a cow covered in 3 gallons of pepper sauce. I really enjoyed the evening and thank you again for the good time and the bed for the night. Narelle took me to the beach in the morning for a bit of a walk around and some sight seeing. The ship below is moored at Williamstown and it was suggested that Wendy do a Cher impersonation but it was late and we couldn't "turn back time"...groan.
I set off late morning heading for Lakes Entrance. It was quite sunny and warm and extremely pleasant but got grayer as the day progressed - no rain though. Passed through Traralgon and Bairnsdale but the highway by passed a lot of the towns. All beautiful green farming country but only one "must have" photo opportunity.
Didn't get in to Lakes Entrace till after 5 and it was already getting dark so will explore tomorrow.
Total Roadkill #35 Mileage # 330.7
I set off late morning heading for Lakes Entrance. It was quite sunny and warm and extremely pleasant but got grayer as the day progressed - no rain though. Passed through Traralgon and Bairnsdale but the highway by passed a lot of the towns. All beautiful green farming country but only one "must have" photo opportunity.
Nice little drumstick on that |
Total Roadkill #35 Mileage # 330.7
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Apollo Bay Victoria to Melbourne Victoria
20 July 2012 - Stayed at the YHA Eco Hostel at Apollo Bay - very nice - slept well. It's pouring with rain and very foggy so I won't be doing much sightseeing. Headed off towards Lorne and Torquay on winding tight roads. All beautiful and picturesque in spite of the bad weather. I was in Melbourne by about 1 pm so have stopped at a food strip and eaten and am updating this blog in the carpark - the wonders of modern technology hehehe. Spending tonight with Wendy and Narelle Stapleton - from old school days in Woomera about 300 years ago and I am sure none of us have changed a bit ......or at least not me lol Yeah...right!!
There was a lot of nice spots along the stretch of the Great Ocean road I travelled today..Cape Patton was one of the best that was actually visible in the foggy conditions.
No roadkill to add to the total...too wet....guess they all stayed in their burrows etc. Mileage today is 195.9 km Roadkill total 29
There was a lot of nice spots along the stretch of the Great Ocean road I travelled today..Cape Patton was one of the best that was actually visible in the foggy conditions.
No roadkill to add to the total...too wet....guess they all stayed in their burrows etc. Mileage today is 195.9 km Roadkill total 29
Mt Gambier SA to Apollo Bay Vic via the Great Ocean Road
Portland Vic |
Codrington Wind Farmn |
Port Fairy |
Bay of Islands |
Bay of Martyrs Victoria |
You pretty much have the picture now - the day was spent getting in and out of the car
and nearly getting blown away. Quite tired now. The last part of today's travel was through some mountains on very winding roads and even though I was driving I started to get travel sick. This is something I usually save up for when I'm a passenger and until I reached my teens I used to share my affliction with everyone else in the car - when it happens it happens - sorry guys. When I looked at my petrol gauge and saw that I was on Empty I felt r-e-a-l-l-y sick. No towns for miles and miles and it was late and I was getting worried. Finally I came to a one- shop town and luckily they had a bowser....$1.86 a bloody litre. I got $20 worth and continued on...swearing loudly (once I was out of earshot)
I saw a herd of emus and a flock of alpacas and a row of sheep and a family of cows but the two things I never saw were the ones they kept warning me about lol
I did see a lot of dead enormous one....thought it was a damn bear lol. It was black......fresh and bloody ....yuk. 15 new roadkills today
Apllo Bay looks beautiful ....will explore tomorrow. Staying at the YHA Eco Hostel - very similar to the one I stayed in in Iceland. Very very nice and only $30 per night.
12 Apostles - actually there's 9 - 3 ran away. This picture would not go into the right spot so it can bloody stay here |
Total roadkills #29 Mileage today # 386.8
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Mount Gambier , South Australia
18 July 2012 - Woke to a very cold morning - 4 C and very soggy out from lots of rain. Went to Telstra first up because I couldn't get my I Phone to show up on my laptop so I could use the wi-fi. Last night I "stole" some wi-fi from an unsecured connection nearby but it was very very slow and kept dropping out, Took forever to do my blog. A little geeky guy at Telstra pressed this and that and got it to work in no time. I consider myself fairly computer savvy but he made me look like the dill he assumed I was lol. Anyway all good now and working great.
Then I went to the Blue Lake which today was "Fifty Shades of Grey"...mwahahaha. I walked around the edge of the crater which was 3.8 km. Got mostly around before it rained again and the coffee and cookies at the end were scrumptious. To my non-Aussie friends the Blue Lake is a water catchment in an extinct volcano which is the main water supply for the regional city of Mount Gambier.
I also went to the Umpherston Sinkhole. Mt G has got many limestone caves under it and this was one that collapsed (a long time ago) and the big hole is now a beautiful garden. I don't want to live here in Mt G - wouldn't sleep nights waiting to be swallowed up by a collapsed cave :( Also saw the Cave Gardens - another big hole but pretty garden and waterfall
By the time I finished Blue Laking and sink holing the weather was so bad - bucket loads of rain then hail - I thought I might just give up and go to the movies. Just then the sun came out and the afternoon looked promising so I took off for a drive to Port MacDonnell. - magnificent coastline and rough seas - loved it. I drove aimlessly around and relied on miss smarty pants GPS to get me home but she took me on a wild goose chase along unpaved roads with bloody big potholes that nearly swallowed my little (now very dirty) car. Forgot to have lunch so will go out soon to the pub for an early dinner.
I've booked into a hostel in Apollo Bay for tomorrow night and so tomorrow I travel the Great Ocean Road.
Looking forward to it.
Total Road kill # 14 Today's mileage - 120.8 km
Then I went to the Blue Lake which today was "Fifty Shades of Grey"...mwahahaha. I walked around the edge of the crater which was 3.8 km. Got mostly around before it rained again and the coffee and cookies at the end were scrumptious. To my non-Aussie friends the Blue Lake is a water catchment in an extinct volcano which is the main water supply for the regional city of Mount Gambier.
Blue Lake |
I also went to the Umpherston Sinkhole. Mt G has got many limestone caves under it and this was one that collapsed (a long time ago) and the big hole is now a beautiful garden. I don't want to live here in Mt G - wouldn't sleep nights waiting to be swallowed up by a collapsed cave :( Also saw the Cave Gardens - another big hole but pretty garden and waterfall
Umpherston Sinkhole |
By the time I finished Blue Laking and sink holing the weather was so bad - bucket loads of rain then hail - I thought I might just give up and go to the movies. Just then the sun came out and the afternoon looked promising so I took off for a drive to Port MacDonnell. - magnificent coastline and rough seas - loved it. I drove aimlessly around and relied on miss smarty pants GPS to get me home but she took me on a wild goose chase along unpaved roads with bloody big potholes that nearly swallowed my little (now very dirty) car. Forgot to have lunch so will go out soon to the pub for an early dinner.
Port MacDonnell | dirty..bloody GPS mole |
I've booked into a hostel in Apollo Bay for tomorrow night and so tomorrow I travel the Great Ocean Road.
Looking forward to it.
Total Road kill # 14 Today's mileage - 120.8 km
Victor Harbor to Robe to Beachport to Mt Gambier
The road trip musical accompaniment to my really bad singing was Johnny Cash and Dolly Parton and it was quite clear that it was just as well I was alone.
On this journey I've decided not to count VW Bugs - I'm going to take a leaf out of Lee's book and count roadkill. There were some dead things I couldn't even recognise - one thing looked like E.T. when he was sick (but no heart light lol) Roadkill = 12 Distance 468.3 Kms
Beachport Jetty - I didn't even want to get out the car - pouring down lol |
Wombat Country - maybe this is what the mysterious road kill was |
Monday, 16 July 2012
16 July 2012 - Well the car is just about packed and there may be room in there for me . I might buy a "bubble" tent along the way....we'll see how cold the nights get first lol. May be motels and hostels all the way. I've updated my RAA to "super dooper" and checked my ambulance cover applies in all states and bought a map. I have a GPS as well so hopefully won't get too lost. Gordon McGnome has been packed and ready to go for two days now. Pity he can't help with the driving - his legs are too short and he can't drive a manual.
By the time I packed my Computer and Kindle and Bluetooth and I phone and Camera and Binoculars I needed another bag just to store all the plugs and chargers in lol.
Well - I hope to be up early and hit the road first thing. Day one I plan to go to Strathalbyn - Wellington - Robe - Mt Gambier but may stop along the way. I really haven't seen much down that way and I hear that Beachport and Robe are really worth seeing so who knows where I will end up.
By the time I packed my Computer and Kindle and Bluetooth and I phone and Camera and Binoculars I needed another bag just to store all the plugs and chargers in lol.
Well - I hope to be up early and hit the road first thing. Day one I plan to go to Strathalbyn - Wellington - Robe - Mt Gambier but may stop along the way. I really haven't seen much down that way and I hear that Beachport and Robe are really worth seeing so who knows where I will end up.
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